For World CP Day 2024, we staged a photo highlighting that CP is lifelong. We will be telling the stories of each of the participants in the photo, bringing to life the reality of living with CP across the age spectrum.

We are UP. What we are aiming to achieve and why it is so important.

Mouth Care Matters


January’s Midweek Matters discusses ways to keep your mouth and teeth in good condition

CP Charter


Add your name to the Cerebral Palsy Charter and help us move CP up the political agenda

Icon of three men of different colours

UK adults living with Cerebral Palsy

Icon of child next to man with walking stick
20- 50 %

of adults with CP have deteriorating mobility with age

The number 30, with rising arrow

Cerebral Palsy is nearly 30 times more common than muscular dystrophy

“I feel like I found a lot more answers to how I have been feeling about having CP. Your website is very useful, thank you.”
Sophie Owen, community member

“The UP team is doing incredible work to bring the #CerebralPalsy community together!”
Dom Sphere, Disability Plus

“It was wonderful to connect with others and not feel so alone trying to be fashionable. Looking forward to the next meeting!”
Cplifeandme, community member

“Absolute pleasure working with UP to enable better multidisciplinary care for children, young people and adults with CP to ensure optimal outcomes.”

Lawrence Ambrose, Royal College of Podiatry

News & Events


ruary’s Midweek Matters discusses ways that men with CP can maximise their health and wellbeing.

January 20, 2025
Smiling mouth

January’s Midweek Matters discusses ways to keep your mouth and teeth in good condition.

January 6, 2025

The University of Surrey would like to interview people with CP about the support needed for them to age well in their local area.

December 11, 2024