What do you do?
I am a content creator for people with disabilities, I hope to use my life as a point of reference for others to understand disability and hopefully themselves.
What has been your greatest achievement?
My biggest achievement so far has been writing and starring in a disability led comedy pilot for the BBC and landing a job as a presenter!
What was your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it?
My biggest challenge has been accepting my disability – there is power in being you and being an individual. Being disabled isn’t a bad thing, in my experience, it’s given my life far more than it’s taken away, I wouldn’t be who and where I am without it.
Who was your role-model growing up?
My biggest role models growing up were my parents. They were instrumental in teaching me that I could do anything I wanted, even if I did it differently, the achievement is the same.
What do you think would help more adults with CP achieve their ambitions?
For me, it’s integral that we are seen as people opposed to just our conditions and diagnosis. We have the right to be seen for our achievements, characteristics and above all, our abilities. Cerebral palsy is a great addition to me that I’m proud to have but, it’s not all that I am.