Midweek Matters Speaker Session: Campaign to End Loneliness

January 31, 2023


Loneliness affects people of all ages and backgrounds and touches the lives of millions. It causes real emotional pain and can impact on our physical and mental health. It also has an economic cost in the additional health and care services that are needed by people who are lonely, and the missed contributions that people who are unable to connect could make in their communities.

We work to ensure that:

People most at risk of loneliness are reached and supported

Services and activities are more effective at addressing loneliness

A wider range of loneliness services and activities are developed.

Robin from the Campaign to End Loneliness joins Midweek matters to share more about this organisation

Midweek Matters Community Chats
Wednesday 22 February 2023, 6.30 – 8pm

Your space to chat, reflect and connect with the UP community.

Join us for these FREE zoom events via the usual link or register via eventbrite:
