Your help needed: CP Link study

December 11, 2024

CP Link: a specialised link worker role to support adults with cerebral palsy to age well

Aims and objectives

The aim of this project is to develop and evaluate in collaboration with UP – The Adult Cerebral Palsy Movement, a specialised link worker role to support older adults with cerebral palsy. The project has three aims:

  1. To determine how ageing with cerebral palsy impacts people and to identify where community support is needed to promote health and wellbeing
  2. To co-develop, “ageing with cerebral palsy”, training materials for the new link worker role
  3. To assess the impact of the link worker role over a period of 12 months.

Your involvement

Do you have cerebral palsy? Are you 40 or older? Do you live in London?

The University of Surrey would like to interview people with CP about the support needed for them to age well in their local area.

Interviews will be around 90 minutes and can be in-person, online or on the phone.

For more information contact Dr Erica Ranzato at

This study has a favourable ethical approval (IRAS ref: 330908)