Join The Weinberg Centre, Columbia University on Mental Health & Care Coordination

November 2, 2022

Supporting positive Mental Health

Social worker, Minnelly, and Care co-ordinator, Jennifer, from the Weinberg Family Cerebral Palsy Centre join us to share the USA framework and landscape on managing your mental health with Cerebral Palsy throughout your life.

CP Lifespan Mental Health & Care Coordination

CP is a lifelong condition that impacts the individual with the diagnosis & the whole family. A lifespan view allows children & adults with CP create a balance of a proactive and protective disability socialization; this helps everyone in the family feel more confident as they are navigating life transitions. The common challenges throughout these transitions are health and wellness, education, employment, accessible housing, and social relationships. Being attuned to disability socialization creates a higher awareness of how to build a value-based disability community grounded in integrity, kindness, critical consciousness & humor. Mental health & care coordination help facilitate all these connections when there isn’t a system. Our presentation will share how a system can be created and maintained by the disability community.

Midweek Matters with the Weinberg Centre
Wednesday 30th November 6.30-8pm

Join us for this FREE zoom event via the usual link or register via eventbrite: