Adults with cerebral palsy, researchers, healthcare professionals and a professional animator worked together to coproduce this short film.
The animation (below) summarises the key findings from two published research studies about access to specialist adult physiotherapy services for adults with cerebral palsy in the UK and Ireland.
The research findings call for improvements in policy and physiotherapy services to meet the needs of adults with cerebral palsy throughout their lives.
The purpose of the animation is to provide clear and accessible key messages, and to maximise the impact of the research.
The team aims to widely disseminate the 2-minute animation to reach and influence policy makers and those who design health and care services.
Please help get the word out by sharing the animation with anyone who you think will find it interesting; organisations, healthcare professionals, families and friends.
If you have any questions or feedback on the animation please contact the team on we will be pleased to hear from you.