UP at the EACD Conference

May 31, 2023

UP at the EACD Conference

We’re shifting perceptions about Cerebral Palsy on a global scale.

Our co-founder and CEO, Emma Livingstone, had the privilege of speaking at this year’s Fondation Paralysie Cerebrale Lecture during the 2023 EACD conference. Her topic? The importance of viewing Cerebral Palsy from a lifelong perspective. Her key points included:

• We should view Cerebral Palsy as a lifelong condition, recognising it as the most common physical disability starting in childhood.

• Adults with Cerebral Palsy require support and coordinated services.

• We should prepare children with Cerebral Palsy better for a successful adult life.

Now, the EACD is launching a project dedicated to the health of individuals with conditions starting in childhood. Emma was delighted to be invited to lead this initiative alongside respected clinician and researcher Elisabet Rodby-Bousquet.

Emma also joined a team of international clinicians to discuss how we are enhancing the health and wellbeing of adults with Cerebral Palsy. Their international perspectives highlighted the abundance of new knowledge we have about Cerebral Palsy as a lifelong condition and showcased some innovative approaches. We’re excited to keep learning and collaborating to improve healthcare and support for those living with CP.